The Wellness ADVOCATE you deserve!

Hi There!

Hi There!

lgbtq+ black female coach

Welcome to my little corner of the world. I love to meet and work with people that are aiming to reach their purpose in life.

Wellness sits at the center of my work because I believe everyone deserves to fully enjoy their life.

A HOLISTIC approach

As a Pre-licensed Therapist and Certified Personal Trainer, I focus my work on the mind and body.

Services List:

  • Therapy (IL residents only)

  • Recovery + Mental Health Coaching

  • Live 1:1 Personal Training + Custom Programming

  • Health and Wellness Education/Workshops

  • Public Speaking

  • Private/Corporate Fitness

  • Coffee Chats

a Consultant that cares

Having had the opportunity to work in a multitude of industries covering both the for-profit and non-profit sectors, I am dedicated to helping my clients achieve their goals by providing them with cost-effective and efficient support - all while ensuring they are supporting their wellness in the process.

Want to know more?